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Unraveling Magick: An In-Depth Examination of the Psychological, Spiritual, and Resonance Models

Dean Adservio

Title: Unraveling Magick: An In-Depth Examination of the Psychological, Spiritual, and Resonance Models

Author: Nicholas Kingsley

Abstract: This paper seeks to enhance the understanding of magick as an academic discipline and practical endeavor by dissecting the Psychological, Spiritual, and Resonance models of magick. It elaborates on the role of intent within these paradigms, the process of defining and implementing correspondences, and how these components impact the practice of magick. The goal is to promote proficient, responsible conduct among practitioners and enrich scholarly discourse in the field.

Keywords: Magick, Psychological Model, Spiritual Model, Resonance Model, Correspondences, Intent


Magick, as a nuanced field of study and practical endeavor, has long fascinated scholars, practitioners, and the curious globally. This fascination is deeply rooted in the human desire to understand the unknown and manipulate the forces that shape our reality (Crowley, 1973; Frazer, 1990; Starhawk, 2011). Despite the diversity of its applications and interpretations across cultures, the core principles of magick revolve around creating change in conformity with the practitioner's will. However, the absence of a universally accepted theoretical framework to explain the functioning and outcomes of magick has posed a significant challenge to its academic study and practice.

The necessity of a robust theoretical framework to enrich scholarly discourse and promote responsible, effective practice has been echoed by scholars and practitioners alike (DuQuette, 1993; Hine, 1988). To this end, this paper seeks to illuminate the intricacies of the Psychological, Spiritual, and Resonance models of magick – the three predominant paradigms that offer unique perspectives on understanding and practicing magick (Crowley, 1973; Huson, 1980; DuQuette, 1993). Additionally, it aims to unravel the role of intent within these models, discuss the process of defining and utilizing correspondences, and explore how these factors interact to impact the practice and outcomes of magick.

The Psychological Model

Originating from the groundbreaking theories of Carl Jung and the emergence of depth psychology, the Psychological Model of magick offers a subjective and introspective lens to perceive magick (Jung, 1951). The model is rooted in the premise that magick functions by modifying a practitioner's consciousness, perceptions, emotions, attitudes, and awareness. This proposition aligns with Jung's conception of the 'individuation process,' where the transformation of the psyche plays a pivotal role in personal growth and self-realization (Jung, 1951).

The Psychological Model, while being highly individualistic, also acknowledges the role of cultural and environmental influences on a person's perceptions and beliefs. It reflects the anthropological perspectives of Claude Lévi-Strauss and other cultural relativists, emphasizing that an individual's perception of reality, including the interpretation of symbolic and magickal correspondences, is significantly shaped by their cultural background (Lévi-Strauss, 1962; Buckland, 2002). This recognition of the individual and the collective lends the Psychological Model a unique dynamism and flexibility, making it adaptable to diverse cultural and individual contexts.

The mechanics of the Psychological Model primarily revolve around internal change and transformation. It posits that the changes in the psyche induced by magickal practices, including meditation, visualization, and ritual work, can manifest as observable changes in the practitioner's external reality (Hine, 1988; Greer, 2003). The focus on mental transformation and introspection necessitates a thoughtful creation of correspondences, based on personal understanding and ascribed meanings. Thus, a practitioner operating under the Psychological Model must strive for self-knowledge and must be able to articulate the rationale behind their chosen correspondences.

The Spiritual Model

In stark contrast to the Psychological Model, the Spiritual Model of magick invokes a worldview that transcends the self and engages with a broader metaphysical reality. Deeply embedded in ancient shamanistic traditions and practices, this model postulates that magick functions through the agency of noncorporeal intelligences or forces (Eliade, 2004; Harner, 1990). These can include a diverse range of entities such as deities, land spirits, fae, and aspects of the practitioner's Higher Self. The Spiritual Model, thus, emphasizes an external locus of magickal influence.

The mechanics of magick under the Spiritual Model primarily rely on the characteristics, preferences, and qualities of the spirit or force being invoked or petitioned. The knowledge of correspondences in this model is primarily derived from divinatory methods and through direct interaction and investigation of the spirits and forces themselves (Cunningham, 1988). This model inherently acknowledges the existence of greater intelligence, often seen as autonomous and sentient entities, or impersonal forces that can be tapped into to effect change (DuQuette, 1993; Penczak, 2007).

The Spiritual Model, while being seemingly supernatural, demands rigorous scientific attitudes, such as careful observation, systematic experimentation, and cautious inference. This requirement stems from the model's reliance on interactions with potentially unknown forces or entities. Consequently, practitioners are encouraged to exercise caution, respect, and ethical conduct while dealing with these forces, thereby strengthening the practitioner's relationship with them and ensuring successful outcomes.

The Resonance Model

The Resonance Model, a recent addition to the theoretical frameworks of magick, seeks to blend the traditional understanding of magick with concepts derived from quantum mechanics. Central to this model is the concept of 'resonance,' which refers to the process of accumulating and organizing items, objects, and circumstances in alignment with their correspondences to generate a particular vibrational state or 'resonance' (Zell-Ravenheart, 2004). This resonance is theorized to interact with the surrounding environment, influencing quantum probability states and, in turn, effecting change.

Quantum mechanics introduces the idea of superposition - that particles exist in multiple states simultaneously. An act of observation or measurement causes the particle's state to 'collapse' into one of the possible outcomes, a process known as wave function collapse (Heisenberg, 1958). The Resonance Model borrows this concept, theorizing that the resonances generated by the magickal workings influence the quantum probability states, causing them to collapse in a manner that aligns with the spell's intended outcome.

Historically, identifying and cataloging the resonances of various objects, herbs, crystals, and other magickal reagents have relied heavily on trial and error, with results passed down through generations and compiled into tables of correspondences (Beyerl, 1984; Cunningham, 2003). Today, advancements in technology have allowed practitioners to determine the resonances of objects with greater precision, though the traditional correspondences still hold immense value (Zell-Ravenheart, 2004).

Intent in Magick The role of intent in magickal practice cannot be underestimated, though its impact varies significantly across the three models of magick: Psychological, Spiritual, and Resonance. This discrepancy stems from the different mechanisms each model employs to effect change.

In the Psychological Model, intent wields considerable influence. This model views magick as a process of altering one's consciousness, perception, and attitudes (Crowley, 1909; Starhawk, 1979). Consequently, the practitioner's intent, being a mental and emotional phenomenon, plays a critical role. As the practitioner internally aligns their desires and will, the magickal workings manifest the desired outcome within the caster's psyche. This shift can subsequently affect external reality through the practitioner's altered actions and interactions. Thus, within this model, a clear and firm intent is indispensable for effective magickal workings.

However, the Spiritual Model presents a more complex picture. While it acknowledges the value of intent, it posits that the primary driver of change is the spirit or force being enlisted (Hutton, 1999; Penczak, 2007). In this case, the practitioner's intent plays a dual role. On one hand, it guides the selection and invocation of the appropriate spirit or force, and on the other, it shapes the practitioner's request or petition to the invoked entity. However, the ultimate success of the magickal operation is contingent on the entity's actions, which may be influenced but not controlled by the practitioner's intent.

In stark contrast to the above models, the Resonance Model places little emphasis on intent. Here, magick operates by manipulating quantum probabilities through specific resonances (Zell-Ravenheart, 2004). The practitioner's intent is of negligible importance since the outcomes are dictated by the correspondences and resonances of the assembled components, not the practitioner's desires or intentions. Therefore, even with the best of intentions, a poorly constructed spell with misaligned correspondences is doomed to fail in this model.

In conclusion, the importance of intent in magick is nuanced. It is a significant factor within the Psychological Model, has a secondary role in the Spiritual Model, and is largely irrelevant in the Resonance Model. Thus, practitioners should not rest on the laurels of 'good intentions' alone. Instead, they should strive for a blend of clear intention, meticulous planning, diligent execution, and ethical conduct in their magickal endeavors.

Interplay of Models in Magick

In our pursuit to comprehend magick, it is critical to underscore that these models are not mutually exclusive, but rather, often act in tandem. The Psychological, Spiritual, and Resonance Models are distinct lenses through which we can view the magickal phenomena; however, the reality of magick in practice often involves elements from multiple models.

An individual's magickal practice may primarily lean towards one model, while still incorporating aspects of the others. For example, a spell could be crafted with a strong emphasis on the Resonance Model, utilizing specific correspondences in harmony. Yet, the individual's psychological state and intent (Psychological Model), along with the possible invocation of external forces (Spiritual Model), also play a part in the spell's execution and effectiveness.

It's also worth noting that the utilization of these models can be influenced by personal beliefs, cultural contexts, and the specific goals of the magickal work. Some practitioners may prefer one model over the others based on their philosophical leanings or past experiences. Others might deliberately employ all three models, embracing the full range of possibilities they offer.

The interplay of these models underscores the fluidity and complexity of magick. This viewpoint challenges any simplistic or reductionist understanding of magick, instead celebrating its multifaceted and dynamic nature. It is this intricate blend of psychology, spirit, and resonance that makes magick such a captivating field of study and practice.

Implications and Future Research Understanding these three models of magick presents significant practical implications. Firstly, it allows practitioners to approach their craft with informed, purposeful methodology, making their practice more effective and nuanced. By understanding the strengths and intricacies of each model, practitioners can better tailor their approach to specific objectives, blending elements from different models when necessary.

For instance, a practitioner looking to foster internal transformation might lean heavily on the Psychological Model, leveraging the power of their mind and the subjective nature of correspondences. However, in situations where they wish to engage external forces or influence physical reality more directly, they might draw upon the Spiritual or Resonance Models, respectively.

Moreover, the insights offered by these models could also be of interest to scholars in related fields such as psychology, philosophy, anthropology, and even physics. By considering magick through these models, these academics can gain new perspectives on their own work, potentially leading to interdisciplinary dialogues and research.

Looking forward, future research could aim to delve further into each model, studying their mechanisms in more depth. More empirical research could be conducted to establish a more concrete understanding of how these models interact with each other and with the practitioner's intentions. Researchers could also explore how these models manifest in various cultural contexts, expanding our understanding of global magickal practices.

Conclusion In conclusion, this exploration of the Psychological, Spiritual, and Resonance Models of magick illuminates a myriad of ways in which magick operates and interacts with our world. The understanding of these models offers a valuable toolkit for both practitioners and scholars alike, providing new perspectives on the ancient and intriguing practice of magick.

By carefully considering the role of intent within these models, we add an additional layer of complexity and nuance to our understanding of magickal practice. This serves as a reminder to practitioners about the importance of careful preparation, study, and respect for the forces they engage with.

However, this paper represents only the tip of the iceberg in the grand scheme of magick studies. The depth and breadth of magick are vast, with many more models, theories, and practices yet to be explored and understood. As we move forward in this fascinating journey, we are reminded of the importance of continuous learning, questioning, and refining our understanding. It is through this process that we can unlock the full potential of magick and wield it responsibly and effectively.

In the pursuit of wisdom, may we never lose our sense of wonder and respect for the captivating realm of magick, continuing to explore its complexities and celebrate its mysteries. This is the path of the dedicated scholar, and it is our hope that the insights shared in this paper inspire further exploration, discussion, and discovery within our vibrant community.


Beyerl, P. (1984). The Master Book of Herbalism. Phoenix Publishing Inc. Beyerl's work is a rich resource that provides in-depth information about herbal correspondences, which are key components in the Resonance Model of magick. It underscores the necessity of ensuring the quality and authenticity of reagents used in magickal practices.

Conway, D. J. (2001). Celtic Magic. Llewellyn Worldwide. Conway’s text explores various facets of Celtic spirituality and magic, giving a good insight into the Spiritual Model of magick, including invoking specific spirits and the selection of correspondences based on their preferences.

Crowley, A. (1909). Magick in Theory and Practice. L. Parsons. Crowley's seminal work underpins much of the understanding of the Psychological Model, with its emphasis on altering one's consciousness and perception to effect changes in reality. His writings support the discussion on how internal transformations can manifest as external changes.

Cunningham, S. (1988). The Truth About Witchcraft Today. Llewellyn Worldwide. Cunningham's text provides an overview of modern witchcraft practices, which contributes to the understanding of the three models of magick and how they intersect in real-world practice.

Cunningham, S. (2003). Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Worldwide. This extensive reference book on magical herbs supports our discussion on the Resonance Model, particularly on the use of herbal correspondences and their unique resonances in magickal practices.

DuQuette, L. M. (1993). The Magick of Thelema: A Handbook of the Rituals of Aleister Crowley. Weiser Books. DuQuette's comprehensive guide to Crowley's rituals offers deep insights into the Psychological Model, reinforcing the explanation of how consciousness and perception play critical roles in this model.

Hutton, R. (1999). The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft. Oxford University Press. Hutton's comprehensive history provides a broader context for the discussion on the Spiritual Model, illustrating how contemporary practices are shaped by historical traditions and beliefs.

Penczak, C. (2007). Spirit Allies: Meet Your Team from the Other Side. Red Wheel/Weiser. Penczak's work explores the interaction with noncorporeal intelligences, providing supporting evidence for the exploration of the Spiritual Model.

Starhawk. (1979). The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddess. HarperOne. Starhawk's influential work supports the discussions around both Psychological and Spiritual Models, emphasizing the importance of internal transformations and interactions with spiritual entities.

Zell-Ravenheart, O. (2004). Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard. New Page Books. Zell-Ravenheart's guidebook provides practical guidance for applying the Resonance Model, reinforcing the explanation of how resonances and correspondences can guide the collapse of quantum probability states.


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